Private Fees

The doctors are prepared to carry out recognised medical services not covered by the NHS (eg: medicals for DVLA, Life Insurance). A special appointment may have to be booked and receptionists can advise you on this. For these services the recommended BMA fee will be charged. A current list of fees is displayed at our reception.


Travel Immunisations

If you need vaccinations before travelling abroad, advice is available from the receptionists or nurse. Please ensure you allow 6 weeks before the date of travel to organise any vaccinations. We are a designated Yellow Fever clinic. Costs of vaccinations are displayed in reception.

private fees



There are 2 fully trained and experienced counsellors based at the centre who for a nominal fee can offer talking therapies to help deal with issues such as depression and anxiety. Please call Sandra or Fil on: 07796 416354 for enquiries and to book an appointment.


Holistic Therapy

An experienced, trained therapist is based at the Centre offering natural ways to relieve and manage health issues - pain, aches, depression, stresses, tension and anxieties through Therapeutic Massage, Reiki (energy healing) and Wellness Coaching (simple strategies and exercises). Please call Caroline on 07776154124


Nutritional Therapy 

Our nutritional therapist can advise you on alleviating health problems and boosting well-being through changes to diet and lifestyle. Typical conditions include IBS, allergies, menopausal symptoms, chronic fatigue, depression and stress, migraine and weight problems. Call Lisa on 07966 478974 to make an appointment.



Fairview Aesthetics

For concerns about your skin; blemishes, age lines, lumps and bumps, sun changes and many other conditions you can see a consultant specialist for a free consultation and advice at our other clinic situated within the medical centre. This service is available by appointment only so please either visit or call us on 07966 478 974.